What is a Child Contact Centre?
A Child Contact Centre is a safe, friendly and neutral place where children of separated families can spend time with the non-resident parent and sometimes other family members. It is a child centred environment that puts the needs of the children first.
Who is it for?
The children, since it is important that they grow up knowing both mum and dad. Contact Centres aim to provide short-term help and support towards re-establishing contact between child and visiting parents.
Who runs it?
The Centres are staffed by the Coordinator, Mary Parker, who leads a team of unpaid volunteers. Their role is welcome children and parents, serve light refreshments, and make contact an enjoyable experience for both child and parent. Play materials and activities suitable to a wide age range, and tea, coffee and soft drinks are provided.
What does it cost?
Nothing! However donations are always welcome.
What is the referral procedure?
Completed application forms need to be submitted to the Co-ordinator at least 10 days before the proposed start date. Forms and information can be downloaded here. Placement availability can be obtained from Mary Parker, Co-ordinator, on 07812 157 448. If you have been allocated a place but don't need it any longer, please let us know as soon as possible so that the placement can be offered to another family.
What happens if I can't attend an arranged visit?
Let your ex-partner and the Centre Co-ordinator know as soon as you can, preferably at least 24 hours in advance to avoid any wasted journeys.
What about confidentiality?
All records are strictly confidential. We do not report to the courts, social workers, CAFCASS or solicitors about families' visits to the centres, except to give information about dates and times of attendance at the Centres (if we are asked to). The only exception to this policy is where a child's welfare is considered by the Co-ordinator to be at risk.
Are there any rules?
As few as possible. However, the Centres are used by several families at the same time so we have to ensure the safety of everyone and give consideration for others.
● Children must always have one of their parents/carers present while at the Centres.
● Parents and carers are responsible for the safety and supervision of their children at all times.
● There must be no arguing in front of the children.
● Alcohol or drugs are not permitted on the premises, and anyone considered to be under the influence of either will be asked to leave.
● We reserve the right to require a person to leave the centre if they behave abusively or aggressively or if their conduct creates an unpleasant atmosphere.
● No person other than the parents may attend the Centres without prior written agreement of both parties and the Centre's Co-ordinator.
● During contact, children may only be taken out of the Centre by the contact parent if written agreement is given by both parents in advance.
● Photos (or video) are only permitted with the permission of the other parent and the Co-ordinator.
● You must let us know if you make other arrangements for contact or if you cannot attend the Centre as planned.
● Smoking is not permitted inside the buildings
● Finally, this is a 'supported' Contact Centre only and we cannot 'supervise' contact sessions. If you are unsure what the difference is, please seek advice from your solicitor, social worker, or the Centre Co-ordinator.