You have reached the website for the Cambridge and Ely Child Contact Centres.
Welcome to all the families, professionals and other people who would like to know more about the Contact Centres.
The Child Contact Centres provide a place where children from separated families can enjoy contact with a non-resident parent or other family member. The Centres offer a child-centred atmosphere that helps to build trust and confidence.
Some families need support with contact arrangements following separation, especially when the child has not seen one of their parents for a while. Child Contact Centres help families to re-establish and maintain consistent contact which they can sustain for themselves in future.
The Centres are run by a small local charity, and are members of the National Association of Child Contact Centres (NACCC). Both Centres are accredited by NACCC as reaching the required national standards.
Parents who have used the Centres have told us:
'It has been exceptionally helpful in helping me to see my daughter and re-establish our relationship.'
'The relationship between my son and his dad has been re-established in a controlled environment.'
'The staff here are amazing and friendly people'
'so good at caring for every family'
'very helpful and impartial'
For more information and guidance about the Contact Centres and how to use them visit the FAQ page here.
Contact us
Cambridge & Ely Child Contact Centre
Mobile Phone: 07812 157448
Email: mary@ceccc.org.uk
Registered Charity
Number 1145344
Company Registration
Number 7464402